Last day in Makunda

August 27th, 2017 by jenniferolmstead

Woke up and prepared for goodbyes today. We all had an early meeting which meant the others had to get up early to eat as well. After spending time reading my Bible I went into the kitchen to spend a little time with Maam and Deborah. Interesting morning. From the bits that I understood in English it seemed that Deborah was in trouble for not completing homework, her sister for not being social, and the house made, sassy, for not salting the dahl. I’m sure there was much more that I missed but that what I could understand. The other girls came out, looked at me, and sat down ever so quietly. It was like being in the middle of a family argument you could not understand. Deborah acts so mature that at times we almost forget she is only 13 and will have her days. Her sister is just so shy. We all feel that she finds our presence intimidating and thus will not enter a room we are in or will run through as quickly as possible if not avoidable.


After breakfast, we all went together for our early meeting, it was a nice surprise. Denhing had called a local pastor to come and pray for each of us before we all head home. I am the first to leave, but the others will all be leaving over the next 10 days so it was easier to get him to come once than try to have him come back. Makunda does not have a pastor. The services are led by various staff at the hospital. We all received a gift of a coffee mug to remind us of them every time we have a cup, the English and Irish girls were told they could use there’s for tea. It really is such a wonderful group of people here.


I went from there to visit the nurses on peds and say goodbye. I spent the most time with them and the students. They made me promise to come again before I leave when I left to see those in other wards. I did make it back up there before lunch. From there I went to the women’s ward and ran into Jasmine. She wanted to meet with me to see what notes I had about nurses from my time here so we went to her office for a while. Then it was time for lunch. It was interesting to realize it would be the last time I ate in the canteen. The other girls came and reminded me just in case I had not realized that. After lunch, I met with the second-year students for one last education class before I leave. They all thanked me and informed me that they had learned a lot from me and hopes I would return soon. I invited them all to my house if they ever want to come to USA. They all laughed and said it is too expensive. That is one in particular that I really hope does come sometime. We just have a special bond.


After class, I went to my last meeting. We started by giving me my bill and I payed up. Not as much as I expected. For 30 days lodging and meals the total was about $135 after conversion. Can’t eat for that at home let alone have a place to live. Then back to the office to wait for the others. They were all there taking care of business and stated they were waiting till it was time, I said I was told the meeting was at 2pm. So, we started. I reviewed the nursing rounds sheet with them and discussed some ways it could be used as well as ways it could be adapted if the nurses felt it would be more useful. I explained that it should be used as a guide to complete the nursing shift notes to ensure that the needed information was being shared so it did not all have to be found in the chart, not always easy with paper charts. The patients that have been present for a while may have 2-3 groups of charts that do not always remain at the bed which makes finding the information very complicated at times. The nurse’s supervisors all felt that the information would be helpful. I also let them know about some education I felt was needed based on things I saw and gave them examples. It was encouraging to know that what I saw was not acceptable by any standards.


From the meeting, I went home and met with Deborah’s friend who decorated my had. I’ve had lots of compliments so I will have to pass that along to her. Then we ran to market quickly. I had something I wanted to pick up before leaving Makunda for someone. I really haven’t done any gift shopping this trip like I usually do, but then again, this trip has been about doing God’s work not traveling.


To end the evening, I had a cooking class to attend. It was fun watching the others be silly as they tried so hard to make Momo. I’ll have to try it when I get home, but I was just enjoying watching them. It was served with lemon rice and green beans with fish, minnows I think. I skipped the fish things. But I did enjoy the rice and some potatoes.


Then home to finalize packing and say goodbyes to everyone there. Leaving at 4am does not leave time in the morning, especially since they are all sleeping.