Tara Rognan INMED Blog

Clinica Esperanza Origins

I’m enjoying my time at Clinic Esperanza. I can’t believe I’ve been here for almost 3 weeks already. A lot has happened.


The Clinic is amazing. It’s a 2 story building offering the people of Roatan, Honduras exceptional medical care. Miss Peggy, the founder, used to say that we don’t save life, we just make a difference in the lives of the patients’, but 8 year old Carlos and his family would say differently.


An 8 year old Hispanic male who presented to the first week I was at the clinic. It was Wednesday, and we had just finished with our first afternoon lecture given by a couple American residences, Meghan and Brian. I was outside the downstairs clinic with an EMT, McKenna, and his mother, Susie, talking, when a nurse came out asking for helping. She reported a young boy came in to the clinic and wasn’t breathing. We ran in to the trauma run, and yes we have a trauma run in the clinic. Meghan and Brian, along with several amazing nurses and medical staff were already beginning to assess the patient. The patient already had an IV in his right arm. A crash cart was being brought to the room, so his airway could properly be managed.


When I arrived in the room, I quickly realized that every single person was way more qualified to do everything than I was; however, that didn’t stop me to ask if I could assist anyways. I am a student, and the only way to learn is to get in there and to do help. Everyone was very nice and tried to include me in the whole process.


The boy was only breathing a couple times a minute on his own. It was obvious that he needed assistance with his ventilations. An ambu bag was needed to assist the patient’s ventilations. Brian asked me to assist with that important task. The boy continued to seize despite administration of diazepam(anti-seizure medication). At this point, intubation was necessary. The patient’s GCS was a 7. He could respond to some painful stimuli, but had no gag reflex.


The patient was transported to the public hospital. Brian and Meghan went with him and brought along medications as well. The public hospital didn’t have any medications. Meghan had to contact the U.S. embassy in order to the patient airlifted out to the mainland. The U.S. military airlifted the patient to a hospital in San Pedro Sula where he was diagnosed with Neurocysticercosis. He was treated with a course of steroids then Albendazole.


I saw the patient in the clinic 2 weeks later. I never would have known he was the same kid. This kids life was saved by Clinica Esperanza this day. The doctors and nurses in the clinic acted fasted and went above and beyond.


I’m back home now, and I can’t wait to return to Roatan to help more people.

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