Strange things happen at night

June 13th, 2019 by Bryce Loder

I had either a mouse or a bear in my room last night. Didn’t do a lot of damage, but shared some of my food without permission and appeared to have made a detailed inspection of my belongings. Slept right through the invasion, and this morning there were neither bites nor blood to suggest that it had joined me in bed. I’m pretty certain that it wasn’t the same scorpion that stung my colleague, Talitha, the prior evening, because she smashed that critter with her bare foot. Ouch. I did have to cut out the sampled bits of mango and banana before I consumed them. And the howler monkeys were either mating or having a drunken party in the trees just outside my window at 4:15 a.m. Awakened only long enough to determine that I wasn’t invited to the party, and went right back to sleep. Hard rain yesterday, and temperature went down to 79°F/26°C. Felt like a nice winter night. Sleep was top notch.

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