Archive for June, 2018

Dr. Haun

Thursday, June 28th, 2018 |

This week Alex and I have been working with Dr. Haun, the surgeon here at BMC.  She is amazing!  She is the only full time surgeon here.  She had a brief respite when Dr. Faile was here but otherwise she is on call all of the time.  She is a wonderful example of a Christian […]

The Patients

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018 |

I have been seeing patients for 2 weeks now.  Both in-patient and out-patient medicine are much different than at home.  Diagnoses are made clinically for the most part.  We can do a malaria test, a complete blood count, blood type and cross match for a transfusion, clotting times, blood sugar, Hepatitis B and C, HIV, […]

The Hospital

Sunday, June 10th, 2018 |

I have completed my first week in the hospital and clinic. I started out rounding with Dr. Tim Cahill. We start in one of the men’s wards and then proceed to the second men’s ward, the two female wards, then onto Peds if need be. The Ghanaian doctors would start in the pediatric or female […]

Our welcome to Nalerigu:

Tuesday, June 5th, 2018 |

It has been an eventful 4 days in Nalerigu!  We flew into Accra, the capital of Ghana, which is on the coast.  From there we flew north to Tamale (pronounced TAH-meh-lay).  William (a missionary from the US) and his son Trey picked us up in Tamale and then drove us 2 more hours into Nalerigu […]