Laura Prewett INMED Blog

Week 1

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI’ve completed my first week at Mseleni Hospital. At first I was overwhelmed by the differences between Mseleni and my home institution. Everything from the language, facilities, available resources, personnel, and daily schedule were very different. Not to mention the actual patients and their chief complaints! However, the staff is very helpful, instructive, and friendly. By the end of the week I realized that common paediatric illnesses in the states are also common here, such as cellulitis, pneumonia, diarrhoea, etc… And the treatment guidelines are the same. I still have a lot to learn about TB, HIV, parasites, and malnutrition which I have had very little experience with in the states. By the end of the week I feel like I’ve gotten my footing and I am confident that I can both learn about and contribute to the care of paediatric patients here at Mseleni.


On a different note, the Fredlunds returned from their trip this weekend. I finally gotten to meet Victor and Rachel and they are such lovely people! Also, Rachel makes fresh homemade bread multiple times a day…and it is amazing!

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