Ashley Lutrick INMED Blog

The Start of a New Adventure

Today is the day I embark on my international medicine experience in Uganda. The journey to Uganda is a long one…1 day, 5 hours, and 1 minute to be exact. I’m not entirely sure what to expect from this experience, but I plan on keeping an open mind, learning as much as I can, and take all the opportunities I can to experience the culture of the Ugandan natives. I will be working at The Surgery, located in the capital city of Kampala. I have reached out to my preceptor, and was granted permission to work within the emergency department during my rotation. For those who know me well, you can imagine how much I will be looking forward to this!

Though I am very much looking forward to my adventure, it’s been difficult to part with my life here in Phoenix. Not only will I miss my family, friends, and loving boyfriend, but saying goodbye to the fur babies, Mara and Pepper has been difficult as well. They haven’t left my side over the last couple days, especially Mara. It’s crazy how they somehow know I am leaving for a long period of time.

I’ll be honest, I’ve never started a blog before, so we’ll see how this transforms the more I post. I’m not sure what kind of connection I’ll have when I get there, but hopefully I’ll be able to keep up with regular posts, and can hopefully sneak a few pictures in here as well.

Thank you for those who follow along. It shall be a great adventure.

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