Crystal North INMED Blog

Welcome To My Blog!

north-crystalHi everyone! Being as computer illiterate as I am, this whole “blogging” thing is a huge step. 🙂  So, many of you have asked me to keep you updated on my trip to Ghana and what we are doing, and I think that having a blog is the easiest way to do that.  I cannot honestly say that I will have daily access (or access at all) to an internet connection in Ankaase, but if I do, I will post as often as I can to keep everyone up to speed.  The other cool thing about this blog is that it’s through INMED, the organization I am travelling through, so you all can therefore click on the appropriate links and read more about the organization and what other people in other parts of the world are doing!


I am traveling with Lisa Remsberg, who (for those of you who don’t know her) is one of my closest friends from college.  She and I chose to travel with INMED because we thought it would be easier than trying to go through either of our schools, with all the red tape one can imagine that would involve (she’s also a 4th year medical student, at the Medical College of Wisconsin).  I’m flying to Chicago on January 29th to meet up with Lisa and do some last minute prep, and then we fly from Chicago to Ghana (by way of London) on January 30th!  I can’t believe the time has come so quickly! I remember this time last year, when we were still applying, not sure if we were really going to get to do this whole international thing. Wo-hoo! 🙂


Alright, I’ve been running errands for the last 3 days, and I’m about to make some big decisions about my residency program list, so I’m a little delirious.  Thanks to everyone for praying for us as we leave for this adventure, thanks to those of you who donated the money that made this trip possible, you truly are gifts from God.


Prayer requests: safe travel to and from Ghana (we’re flying british airways, so pray for no more plane power failures!), good/decent sleep on our red-eye flights, good weather, good health, meaningful interactions with people in Ghana, lasting impressions (both ways), smooth transition into Ghanian culture.  The hospital just hired a Ghanian physician, so pray that his addition to the team is going well.


Will post more later! Love to all of you!!  -Crystal

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