med pass

August 26th, 2017 by jenniferolmstead

Morning breakfast was fun as usual. Dr. Ann was on call last night and got called out this morning so breakfast was a few minutes late and disorganized. We were served the usual dal cakes, which is like a crepe or thin pancake made with rice water, and no dip. When the cook remembered we got a lovely chickpea dip which was quite tasty. We all laughed about it, including the cook who had prepared it and left it in the counter. I got to the hospital a little late and missed the devotional today, which I found quite sad.
I checked in at the pediatric ward and then headed to the nurse’s office to make cycle beads as discussed yesterday. This was quite exciting to know that I have something they feel is valuable. This took up a good portion of the morning. I first met a nursing student that just arrived from England and was in time to watch a slide show and video about Makunda hospital which I found very interesting. It explained many of the services and how they decide who needs how much help financially.
Then back to the pediatric floor. It was very busy today so it was difficult for me to know where to jump in. We had to admit a patient and had no beds. This meant the patient sat on a bench until the doctor rounded and we could discharge. It was quite chaotic. I covered the floor during lunch breaks again. I am getting better stepping in and helping when patient families ask. Mostly I reassure them that it is ok and they are not forgotten. If they ask about medications I tell them we will give later and if it’s about an x-ray I reassure them that the doctor reviewed and is aware of the results. I had one father ask me to look at an x-ray and then asked if it looked terrible. Not being well versed at reading abdominal x-rays I just reassured him that the doctor would review, I think I saw an enlarged liver but not sure and definitely not going to tell the dad. He was happy with that answer.
After lunches, I got to pass some of the 1400 medications and write the nurses notes. It was great to feel like I was doing real nursing. However, I had to ask for help a lot as I do not recognize most of the medications. I am learning though and feel that I will be much more prepared for the other wards next week after spending this much time on this ward. I am also thinking that the week I spend in outpatient clinic I may spend a few more days on this ward as I am learning so much and am quite fond of many of the nurses.
After the shift, I went for tea with one of the nurses which was very nice and then she found some nurses for me to walk home with so I did not have to walk alone.
The girls from Ireland talked the nursing student from England into moving in with us so we have a full dorm and are really looking forward to learning together. She is going to come with me tomorrow to get to know some of the nurses and then choose her rotation schedule.
One highlight for today was discussing how much God is involved in our lives and how he guides us if we take time to listen. I learned from the Irish girls about a bible study held Sunday evening that we are all excited to attend. The nurses are already telling me how much they will miss me and asking when I will return. They are also trying to talk me out of going to the other wards. Part of me would love to stay on this ward for the duration, but I know that I have much to learn and need to go to other wards as well.