It’s the end of the third week. Time is flying! I spent Sunday going to church, finishing a book, and at a BBQ the ex-pat doctors hosted. After church I spent some time with a friend I met there. She is the secretary for the parish and lives there at the church. We had breakfast of spaghetti and cucumbers then we made juice together. The juice was basically everything that grows well here, blended up, and then strained. We put carrots, ginger, cucumbers, lime juice, orange juice, passion fruit, and a tablespoon of sugar in it. It took us about 2 hours from start to clean up, and it was delicious! In the evening was the BBQ which was a lot of fun. Everything was cooked over an open flame and the mosquitos weren’t so bad because of the smoke from the fire. All in all, not a super packed day but enjoyable and restorative for the week ahead. I’m planning to return to maternity and hopefully continue some ultrasound lessons. Last week in Kiwoko, here we go!
Lugandan word of the day: eddagala (noun, medicine)
Medical learning point of the day: If concerned for congenital malaria (pregnant mother with prolonged untreated malaria during pregnancy), take a cord blood sample or smear of the placental tissue at delivery to analyze for parasites.