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Action In The Name Of Love



Have you considered helping out in Chile or Haiti? Clearly, these acute crises in health will be palpable for months to come as the nations rebuild. There exist an abundance of opportunities for you who dream of serving people in critical need, who have polished your skills, and who are now ready for action “in the name of love” – as U2 sings.


What’s holding you back? Some healthcare persons are concerned because they will be professionally challenged. Yes, indeed-and just like athletes training for the Winter Olympics, success necessitates such stretching and vigorous training. Physical safetyworries others. But be reassured, by far the greatest hazard for international travels is motor vehicle accidents, not HIV nor malaria. Financial ramifications cause apprehension for some. Yet greater giving of our time and talent often leads to greater personal joy. Others doubt whether they can make any significant contribution. But the grateful expression of just one child can extinguish such reservations.


Individuals who overcome these sorts of doubts inspire me as they take action on behalf of people struggling to survive under the most desperate conditions. One of these is Myrna McLaughlin. We met in June, 2009, when Myrna participated in the INMED International Medicine & Public Health Hybrid Course. Soon after graduation Myrna returned to Zimbabwe – a nation in southern Africa rocked by political turmoil, hyperinflation, drought, hunger, and staggering health consequences. In the midst of this mayhem Myrna is leading extraordinary efforts to train community health workers, provide mosquito nets for children, cover school fees for vulnerable children, supply seeds and tools for gardening, and provide primary health care to those in need.


Are you waiting for a call to action? Perhaps the only cue needed is an illumination on the name of love. Myrna McLaughlin explains, “Love is a powerful verb. Love changes lives. Love cannot be contained or stopped. It must be expressed, for true love is creative, redeeming and giving. People recognize it and then may never be the same. Authentic love is demonstrative.


Authentic, loving, demonstrative people: Myrna McLaughlin is one of them. You too can be a woman or man of such character. It only requires decisive action in the name of love. What action will you take?

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