This is not a frequently heard phrase. But it’s true. Control of HIV has progressed remarkably since the year 2000. Some highlights include:
1996: Combination AntiRetroviral Treatment (ART) is found effective in HIV treatment
1997: AIDS deaths begin to decline in nations that offer ART
2002: The Global Fund is founded to combat HIV, TB and malaria
2003: ART cost diminishes and becomes more available in developing nations
2010: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is found to reduce HIV transmission
2013: UNAIDS reports that AIDS-related deaths have fallen 30% since their peak
2015: WHO launches new treatment guidelines that that all HIV-positive people should receive ART, regardless of their CD4 count, and as soon as possible
2017: For the first time, more than half the global HIV-positive population are receiving ART, a record of 19.5 million people
For all the angst associated with HIV, and all the recent advances in its control, we are justified in enjoying a moment to celebrate HIV and good news!