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Which EMMC Cluster Is Best For You?



On behalf of the world’s most disadvantage people, what can you do in ten minutes? What about ten days? What can you do to effectively promote global health in ten months, or even over a period of ten years? The 10th annual, 2015 INMED Exploring Medical Missions Conference (EMMC) theme question is What Can You Do In Ten? This year’s conference will also feature Clusters: sessions that combine brief introduction, hands-on skill development, and practical applications opportunities. You can select from clusters on Pediatric Care, Organizational Action, Mother/Baby Care, Crossing Cultures, Faith with a Mission, Displaced But Not Forgotten, Development Beyond a Band-Aid, Trauma: Life in the Mission Hospital, and My Global Community. Myself, I’ll be leading the International Medicine Cluster. Here we will quickly review leading tropical diseases, practice the logic of differential diagnosis with one another, and then try out our skill with patient actors in simulated settings around the world.


Which EMMC Cluster is best for you? Select those that match your particular skills, whether in nursing, administration, therapy, dentistry, pharmacy, public health or medicine. Or, you can test out new fields beyond your current expertise or experience. Six Cluster opportunities will be available during the event. But please remember that space available for each Cluster is limited, so register very soon, and I will look forward to meeting you on Friday and Saturday, May 29-30, 2015!


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