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Healthcare Skill Is Just One Generation Deep


The most remarkable element of my career continues to be my outstanding colleagues, including Jackey Tong in China, Lawand Talal in Iraq, Fred Loper in Shawnee, Oklahoma, and in this photo, Steve Foster in Angola, southern Africa. Each is skilled, devoted and compassionate. And, each enjoys a maximum service span of just forty or fifty years. Who will replace such fine individuals?


The special passion of INMED is to prompt healthcare personnel to consider intentional service to benefit our world’s least-powerful people, and to give them the skills to be effective and durable in this career-long pursuit.


Healthcare skill is indeed just one generation deep. Consider for a moment your own roles and responsibilities. What chaos would occur should you be suddenly absent? What special skill or insight have you attained that risks becoming lost? What action could you be taking today to inspire and equip those who will ultimately carry on the duties entrusted to you?


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