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Outcomes Of INMED Learning


Since 2004, some 850 individuals have completed an INMED Diploma, or its equivalent, in International Medicine, International Nursing, or International Public Health. These represent serious investments into both didactic learning via online and in-classroom experience, and service learning via hands-on experience in low-resource communities around the globe.


But beyond the simple graduate statistics, what are the actual outcomes of INMED learning? This question is both important and difficult to answer. Desired outcomes must first be established, followed by appropriate measuring devices. For example:


First Tier

Outcome: Learners will demonstrate knowledge of the subject

Measure: Administer a test of cognitive skill (rather easy to accomplish)


Second Tier

Outcome: Learners will demonstrate practical application of their knowledge of the subject

Measure: Faculty to observe learners in action (made difficult by faculty subjectivity)


Third Tier

Outcome: Learners will select careers of service in the field of the subject

Measure: Self-reporting via survey (requiring a comparison group of subject non-experts)


Healthcare education is best known for dwelling in the first and second tiers, for a variety of good reasons. But the outcomes are by definition short-term. Look for more data soon regarding INMED Learners careers of service. These are, after all, our very best outcomes.


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