Healthcare is a hazardous career tract. The 2019 Medscape National Physician Burnout, Depression & Suicide Report illustrates the perils inherent to most everyone in our professions. This survey of 15,000 physicians documented 44% experiencing burnout, 11% the blues, and 4% clinically depressed. And in the United States, one physician each days commits suicide – the highest rate among any profession. Highest risk was identified among those with longer work hours (nation-wide average 55 hours per week), women shouldering disproportionate family responsibilities, and the often exasperating use of fully integrated electronic health records.
Coping responses run the full spectrum. Some are maladaptive: overeating, binge eating, alcohol over consumption, and self medication. Other coping responses are more healthy: increasing sleep, enjoying music, integration of exercise, and regular engagement with friends.
Allow me to add another health strategy: join me at the 2019 Humanitarian Health Conference in Kansas City on Fri-Sat, April 5-6. This event will refresh your heart. Enjoy hands-on learning and meeting inspirational leaders of organizations who serve the most vulnerable. Best of all, help avoid your own personal career shutdown, and revive those deeply felt virtues of dedication, care and compassion that first attracted you into these perilous professions.