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Helping Babies Breathe – in Pakistan


“I am passionate about the health of women and their babies!” declares Hibba Haider, Pakistani pediatrician and INMED HBB graduate. “I am well aware of the gravity of Pakistan having the world’s worst infant mortality rate. But I am also inspired how some African countries that have dramatically improved their infant mortality. So, I asked myself, Why can’t we do this in Pakistan? So I organized a 2019 course to teach Helping Babies Breathe at my alma mater, Fatima Jinnah Medical University in Lahore, Pakistan. To build expertise and momentum, I recruited local pediatricians, obstetricians, neonatologists, and neonatal nurses to do the teaching and to recruit their colleagues to participate” In all, 300 midwives, obstetric nurses, and community health workers received HBB training at our events!”


“Another reason I chose to offer this training at Fatima Jinnah Medical University,” says Hibba Haider (far right), “is that FJMU in the entire world is the ONLY ALL FEMALE Medical University. It offers unique gynecological and obstetrics expertise for learners acquiring these skills and for patients who desperately need the skilled care.” What is next for HBB and newborn care in Pakistan? “We’ll be back at Fatima Jinnah Medical University in December to offer the HBB refresher course, along with a comprehensive update conference for ObGyn and Pediatric faculty, residents, medical students, and midwives – people who are passionate like myself about the welfare of women and babies in Pakistan!”

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