2010 INMED International Medicine Intensive Course Participants
On June 7 INMED welcomed 43 participant to the University of Missouri-Kansas City for the 2010 International Medicine Intensive […]
On June 7 INMED welcomed 43 participant to the University of Missouri-Kansas City for the 2010 International Medicine Intensive […]
Quick, what is the leading acute cause of death in world’s poorest nations? How about the second most common
Quick, what is the leading acute cause of death in world’s poorest nations? How about the second most common acute
This weekend INMED enjoyed the company of some 450 students and practicing healthcare professionals at the 5th Exploring Medical Missions
This child lives in South America in a region home to sand flies and mosquitoes. For the last year he’s
The doctor’s intentions were entirely good. Why else would an esteemed and skilled professor venture beyond the security of
Is it necessary to board an airplane in order to serve forgotten people? Need you learn a new language,
Have you considered helping out in Chile or Haiti? Clearly, these acute crises in health will be palpable for
The day following Haiti’s earthquake I received this message from Dr. Jim and Sandy Wilkins, who have served at
Remember when you dreamed big? Peace Corps worker, concert pianist, research scientist, international medical volunteer. Remember when thoughts of