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They Are Waiting For You – Angola Day 23

Patients Waiting


Seventy patients were waiting for care today as I departed the Lubango Evangelical Medical Center to fly back to INMED headquarters in the United States. These people suffer most commonly from malaria, TB, pneumonia, HIV, typhoid fever, schistosomiasis, uncontrolled diabetes, and a litany of orthopedic trauma. Who will come to their assist? This healthcare facility is currently staffed by just two full-time physicians and two nurse practitioners. That’s the equivalent of every other night hospital call – forever. And when one leaves for vacation, a meeting, or to work at an outlying facility… You get the picture. Would you like to assist? Lubango Evangelical Medical Center needs the entire spectrum of healthcare volunteers, as well as those with organizational skills. Fluency in Portuguese or Spanish is a terrific asset. But the most essential quality is simply a willing, compassionate heart.

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