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Sean Mark and the Greatest Hour of Need

INMED enjoys a fifteen year history of attracting learners who possess virtuous personal attributes and exceedingly high career aspirations. That INMED can add refined vision and skills to their laudable intentions is our great privilege. Among our Graduates stand out remarkable individuals like Sean Mark, who is today an emergency medicine resident physician at Truman Medical Center.


Q: Sean, what advice do you have for students entering your field?

A: Medicine is more of a calling than a career. The training is long and requires hard work and endurance. You have to find your calling in the field—something you can hold onto and believe for when times get tough.

Q: What motivates to endure through long hours of ER duty?

A: My calling is to serve the forgotten people of the world with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, the greatest healer in history. I look to Him when I need inspiration and strength.

Q: What especially attracts you to emergency medicine?

A: In the ER, I feel called to help people in crisis when they are in their greatest hour of need. After a long shift or a tough patient encounter, these things are what I always come back to, and it gives me the power and love I need to continue on and care for the next patient.


Perhaps you feel the need for some boost to encourage your own personal virtues or career aspirations? Please come meet Sean Mark on April 5, 2019, when he delivers the opening address at the INMED Humanitarian Health Conference.


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