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Ultrasound And Refugee Care In Lesvos Greece


What connection could possibly exist between ultra-high technology ultrasound and plight of people in fleeing conflict and hunger? Ask the expert: David Culpepper, INMED Ultrasound Faculty on location in Lesvos, Greece – the world’s best known shelter for Syrians, Albanians, Ukrainians, others who’ve set on saving their families…


“The sudden nightly surge of refugee arrivals calls for us to evaluate their myriad health problems and their anticipation that, once “in Europe,’ they would get help. But our resources are frustratingly limited,” explains Dr. Culpepper.


“Ultrasound, however, does provide opportunities to diagnose and reassure. One women 5 months pregnant was fearful that her journey across the Adriatic Sea had harmed her unborn child. I was able to quickly image her baby, showing normal development for its age, active movement, and a strong heartbeat. This brought her a sigh of relief…and a smile. She uttered a thank-you and a blessing before melted into the crowds to continue their long wait for asylum status.


Enjoy an opportunity to learn first-hand from Dr. Culpepper, who’ll be teaching the INMED Professional Certificate Course in Ultrasound for Primary Care Nov 21 in Pittsburgh PA, Dec 12 in Glendale CA, and June 4 in Kansas City. And in the meantime, take advantage of the Ultrasound for Primary Care Online Course he authored to help prepare you, too, for serving people worldwide through ultrasound techniques.


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