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Cheryl Dalton – INMED Grad And Covid-19 Responder

“The course I took with INMED, Disaster Management in Limited Resource Settings, truly helped me with my confidence in disaster care,” writes Cheryl Dalton, DNP. “Right now, I’m deployed with a Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT), serving at a large urban rehabilitation center.”


“Covid-19 has hit the facility pretty hard. Most residents are older and have very debilitating mental illness. A number of them are positive Covid-19, and some have required transfer to an acute care hospitals and intensive care units.


“Many of the rehab center personnel are out on quarantine, leaving the facility very short-staffed now. Myself and DMAT – six nurses and three EMTs – are filling in for their critical roles. We work 12-hours shifts, and have not taken a day off in two weeks.


“The DMAT structure/organization is exactly as I had been taught at INMED: incident command, incident briefings, command structure with administration section, logistics, planning, and operations. Each of the members on our team is extraordinarily gifted with critical care, ER, public health backgrounds. Each have mentioned how they feel called to serve. Thank you for all of the training I have received through INMED. Psalm 57:1 ‘I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed’.”

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