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Glory, terror, good news, savior, Christ!


Humanity this year is beset by disease, isolation, poverty, racism, fascism and overwhelming emotional stress. Today, this chaotic season is also marked with a holiday remembering Jesus Christ. The narrative of his birth – described in detail by three separate witnesses and a host of historians – includes an announcement by angelic beings to the worlds loneliest citizens: “Do not be afraid… I proclaim good news… Your Savior is born… He is Christ.”


We at INMED are deeply concerned about disease, isolation, poverty, and more, especially because these afflictions overwhelmingly disable our worlds lowliest citizens. To the maximum of our strengths we continue to empower compassionate, visionary professionals with the knowledge and skills to effectively intervene. Human beings are capable of enormous good, and we constantly witness this attribute among our faculty, learners, and graduates.


But we are also keenly aware of humanity’s weaknesses; how easily we all are tempted by pride, power, and prestige – fleeting yet irresistible as they are. It is for this reason that we all need a savior, one with power to forgive our sin and focus our forces for good. And today, with the angel of old we also rejoice in the good news. Our savior is born. He is Christ!

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