Africa is being ravishing by disease; a fact compounded by the frequent lack of even most basic health care. Countries like Zambia, southern Africa, are witnessing dramatic increases in HIV/AIDS, malaria, and malnutrition. According to the UNICEF, for example, one child dies of malaria each 29 seconds, from TB each 18 seconds, and one person is infected with HIV each 6 seconds. The statistics are staggering.
In the face of this challenge, INMED has partnered with a health clinic in Zambia to build a teaching hospital in the city of Luanshya. The hospital – better known as Mushili Health Center – will provide health care services to the native peoples of northern Zambia, as well as war refugees from neighboring Congo. The hospital will have capabilities to care for patients suffering TB and other preventable diseases, as well as provide surgical care. Mushili Health Center will also offer treatment to prevent newborns from becoming infected with HIV.
Beyond caring for the sick, Mushili Health Center will also be a training center for Zambians to gain the skills and knowledge needed to care for their own people. Contributing to this effect are two INMED students, Angela Bymaster and Mary Sievers, both from the University of Iowa College of Medicine. Throughout the month of February, Angela and Mary will be serving at Mushili Health Center. Says Mary, “The disparities between the healthcare resources available to US citizens compared to the majority in other nations is huge. I feel it would be immoral to ignore this problem and not personally take steps to improve the situation.” Angela resonates with Mary’s convictions, “My husband and I don’t know if we will do future missions at this point but we are sure we will be serving the poor in some way with our lives.”