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INMED Graduates First Students In China

2016 Shenyang IMPH Course Participants CMU1


A long-term INMED vision has been to expand our Course offerings to outside of the United States. Over the years South Africa, Australia, and India were considered locales. Last October the prospects brightened when LIGHT offered to host this complex learning event in the city of Shenyang, NE China. LIGHT has served INMED as a Training Site since 2004.


Given the fact that English is a second language for most students, we doubled the online section of learning from ten weeks up to twenty. Thirty-three students began, and twenty-five successfully completed the INMED International Medicine & Public Health Hybrid Course, which climaxed on July 18-19 with 2 days of in-classroom skills and exams at Shenyang’s China Medical University Number One. How fascinating to see the live cross-cultural interaction of out students from China (10), Africa (10), India (2), and US (3). Several said to me how they especially appreciate receiving feedback on their weekly assignments, which is new in their university experience. Watch for the next INMED Course coming to China later this year.


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