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INMED Distinctives: Field Experience


Asena Madison, pictured second from the left, is presently serving in Ghana at Ankaase Methodist Hospital – an experience demanding astute skills in unusual diseases of poverty, complicated obstetric problems, and cross-cultural dilemmas. You remember Asena, don’t you? In my post dated January 2oth she’s pictured among the graduates of INMED’s comprehensive International Medicine & Public Health Course offered at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine.


Asena Madison’s journey brings to light one of INMED’s proudest distinctions: the essential nature of supervised field experience. A student can excel in mastering facts and in analyzing questions from a distance. But the best test of ability – and most ideal crucible for molding that ability – is found is practical experiences that call upon learners like Asena to apply her foundation of facts and analytical abilities for the benefit of those whom she serve – whether in Richmond, Virginia, or in Ghana, West Africa.


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