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What Is the Difference Between the Master’s Degree in International Health (MIH) and a Master’s Degree In Public Health (MPH)?


The INMED Master’s Degree in International Health (MIH) shares some broad elements in common with a Master’s Degree in Public Health (MPH), including skills in epidemiology, biostatistics, behavioral and environmental sciences, and public health  management. The MIH, however, is distinctively focused on mobilizing and equipping healthcare professionals on behalf of marginalized people: those who are poor, undereducated, minorities, disabled, elderly, veterans, refugees, migrants, chronically ill, and victims of war or disaster. To this end, the MIH emphasizing the skill in diseases of poverty, maternal-newborn health, international public health interventions, cross-cultural skills, disaster management, health leadership, and health professions education.


Another MIH distinctive include an International Service-Learning Experience at one of INMED’s renowned Training Sites. This experience in one of twenty-five nations gives learners substantial professional growth opportunity by applying their skills on behalf of low-resource and cross-cultural communities, with the benefit of on-site supervision.


A third MIH distinctive is the reasonable tuition. Currently at just $8704 total tuition, the MIH is substantially less expensive than MPH degrees which typically range from $16,000 to $60,000 in tuition and fees. The only additional MIH expense is cost of travel associated with the International Service-Learning Experience.


In short, an MPH degree is a solid credential in the broad field of public health. The Master’s Degree in International Health (MIH) degree is specially focused on skills and experience to promote the wellbeing of low-resources people.

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