Nicholas Comninellis

My Posts

October 2014

INMED Action Steps For You, International Health News & Inspiration

Are You Thankful? Are You Giving?

  Thanks and giving. The union is a powerful combination. Do you have thanks for the advantages you receive? Perhaps education, good health, encouraging friendships, a little financial margin. Recently have you told those in your circle of your gratefulness? Expressing appreciation is excellent for the health of any relationship. And whether earned or undeserved, […]

Low-Resource Healthcare Pearls

Polio vs Ebola

  Yesterday was Rotary’s World Polio Day, and the temptation to draw a comparison with Ebola is compelling. Both diseases at times sparked intensive public fear: polio in the 1950s and 1960s; Ebola only recently. Both diseases are killers; polio about 250 so far in 2014 (some 10,000 in 1960); Ebola about 4,000. Both diseases

Low-Resource Healthcare Pearls

What Was The Ebola Of The 1970s?

  The progress of today’s Ebola epidemic is largely being tracked through the commentary of one fortunate Ebola survivor: the physician Kent Brantly, stricken as he himself cared for Ebola sufferers. This disease, which to date has sickened about 7,500 person and killed 3,400 of them, bears some resemblance to another terrifying, contagious, viral disease:

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