Nicholas Comninellis

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International Health News & Inspiration

International Health News & Inspiration

War At Christmas

Such a disturbing phrase, “War at Christmas.” Our holiday season is sobered by news and images of immeasurable suffering in Israel and Gaza. Appearing just below these are headlines of the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Sudan. Almost forgotten but severe are the enduring conflicts in Yemen and Syria. Who is most suffering as a

International Health News & Inspiration

2023 INMED International Medicine Award Recipient: David Vanderpool

The INMED International Medicine Award recognizes those who have made a significant contribution to health in developing nations. Award recipients have demonstrated uncommon dedication and endurance in pursuit of this cause. The 2023 INMED International Medicine Award recipient is David Vanderpool. A general surgeon originally from Dallas, Dr. Vanderpool’s early career was punctuated by service

International Health News & Inspiration

Who Are The 2023 INMED Award Winners?

Healthcare for forgotten people is punctuated by professionals who inspire their younger associates to consider similar careers. INMED is honored to recognize such quality professionals by announcing these recipients of the INMED Awards at the 2023 Humanitarian Health Conference, June 9-10 in Kansas City, Missouri. Introducing David Vanderpool, 2023 International Medicine Award recipient. In 2010,

International Health News & Inspiration

Who Is The Most Famous Musician In International Health?

  Albert Schweitzer is one of international health’s most fascinating personalities. Born in on the border between France and Germany in 1875, by age 30 Schweitzer distinguished himself with advanced accomplishments in theology, philosophy and music. Most notably, Schweitzer transposed Bach’s renowned compositions from orchestra to organ, and traveled throughout Europe with the Paris Bach

International Health News & Inspiration

WHY Did Jesus Come?

  At Christmas time we focus most on the details of Jesus Christ’s birth: the prophecies, star, virgin mother, impoverished setting, jubilant angels, and frightened shepherds. These indeed are intriguing and worthy of celebration. But let’s look deeper beyond the details of how Jesus came and inquire why Jesus came.   Jesus’ contemporaries largely hoped and

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