Nicholas Comninellis

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Disaster Management

Disaster Management

“How can I serve in Gaza?!”

180 women give birth each day in Gaza. Save the Children projects 15% of them experience birth complications: bleeding, infection, seizures. With virtually all healthcare facilities shuttered or disabled, where will these women find help? Some 650,000 children in Gaza are hungry, per UNICEF. That’s about half the population of the Kansas City area. Highly […]

Disaster Management

The 2023 Humanitarian Crisis Response Award Winner Is…

This award recognizes individuals and organizations who provide exemplary disaster response services for highly vulnerable communities. In doing so, they accentuate the value of life and provide an exemplary model for us all. The 2023 Humanitarian Crisis Response Award recipient is Blessings International. Since 1981, this Tulsa, Oklahoma-based, organization has been working to build healthy

Disaster Management

Who Won The 2022 Humanitarian Crisis Response Award?

  This award recognizes individuals and organizations who provide exemplary disaster response services for highly vulnerable communities. In doing so, they accentuate the value of life and provide an exemplary model for us all.   The 2022 Humanitarian Crisis Response Award recipient is Ted Higgins. Dr. Higgins is a surgeon who has devoted his career to

Disaster Management

Changing Of Heart Towards Refugees?

  Are Americans experiencing a change of heart towards refugees? Since Aug 16, we’ve witnessed with dismay the immediate Taliban return to power in Afghanistan. We’ve viewed with horror the carnage of airport suicide bombings. We’ve peered inside the crammed compartment of giant Air Force planes evacuating Afghans. Has any of this touched American hearts?  

Disaster Management

“Massive” “Colossal” “Immense” and 305,140 Lebanese

  “Massive” “Colossal” and “Immense” – words that inadequately describe the magnitude of the explosion which convulsed Beirut, Lebanon, three days ago. With the force of an early atomic bomb, 2,700 tons of highly combustible ammonium nitrate ignited in the congested port city. Some 140 people were instantly incinerated, 5,000 people packed hospitals suffering from

Disaster Management

Meet Khalid Eddahiri – INMED Master’s in International Health Learner

  “How can international aid organizations better respond to human catastrophes, like what is unfolding at this moment in Yemen?” Khalid Eddahiri, United Nations Medical Officer and INMED Master’s in International Health (MIH) candidate, is tackling this compelling question for his MIH scholarly project. And what a virtuous undertaking! Today, more than 20 million people

Disaster Management

Haitians Aided in Puerto Rico – It’s True!

  In an inspiring paradigm shift, healthcare professionals from the island nation of Haiti journeyed to the island territory of Puerto Rico, providing emergency disaster assistance. Parallel to the Haitian earthquake of 2010, Hurricane Maria unleashed devastation on Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017. In the aftermath, almost every family was without electricity, safe drinking

Disaster Management

What Is Today’s Most Urgent Humanitarian Crisis?

  Sadly, we have a crowded line up of contenders for this moment’s most pressing human catastrophe. They include Syrians fleeing ISIS, Yemen’s cholera epidemic, South Sudanese facing starvation. Yet almost unnoticed, and eclipsing them all, are the more than 400,000 Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar (Burma) since August 25. Some 250,000 of these refugees are

Disaster Management

Refugee Healthcare Phases

  At this moment, UNHCR estimates more than 63 million people are uprooted – more than at any time since WWII. In step with such mobilization, general aid and healthcare for refugees is becoming progressively more pressing, too.   Understanding the Refugee Emergency Phases is especially useful for those like us committed to their welfare:

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