Nicholas Comninellis

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INMED Action Steps For You

INMED Action Steps For You

Why Go To An In-Person Conference Anymore?

With virtual conferences the norm since 2020, why bother with traveling in-person to such events? The question is compelling because travel can be costly and require attention to logistics. But virtual participants report feeling a little bored and especially miss the most compelling reasons of face-to-face conferences: quality interaction with colleagues and hands-on skill acquisition. […]

INMED Action Steps For You

Eradication of HIV on May 30!

Eradication of HIV? In the 1980s, 90s, and 2000s, who would’ve imagined this possibility? Yet with very recent advancements in antiretroviral therapy and healthcare delivery systems, epidemiological research confirms this rousing prospect! I want to invite you to join me for the Eradication of HIV presentation on May 30-31 at the Humanitarian Health Conference in

INMED Action Steps For You

Student Indebtedness Is Epidemic. What Is INMED’s Solution?

“I really want to serve vulnerable people, but I am sooo in debt from student loans!” It’s the most frequent barrier I hear from well-intended healthcare professionals. Today’s graduating medical student typically owes $200,000. Bachelor’s of nursing graduates owe $40-$60,000. Nurse practitioners graduate with an average of $154,000 in debt. Pharmacy grads $170, 000, physical

INMED Action Steps For You

How Skilled Are You To Care For “The Least Of These”?

  Last Sunday, many readers of this blog commemorated the historic entrance of Christ into the city of Jerusalem. During those ensuing days, Christ spoke passionately about eternity’s most compelling truths. He knew that within a few precious days he would be arrested, tortured, executed – and then return once again to physical life. Of what

INMED Action Steps For You

“Why Do I Need the Master’s Degree in International Health?”

  “You want to do international healthcare? Then just go! You don’t need any special skill.” These words from my esteemed medical professor were spoken from his inexperience. Working to improve health in low-resource, cross-cultural communities requires more than simply a willingness to “go.” Imagine the challenges you would face this week serving amid cholera

INMED Action Steps For You

2022 Roatan Learn and Serve Conference

  “Equipping Healthcare Professional at Clinica Esperanza, Roatan, Honduras”   Join INMED faculty for an educational conference and service experience on the island of Roatan, off the northern coast of Honduras! Learn nuances of emergency care alongside Honduran medical personnel, earning 9 hours of Continuing Medical Education. Serve at the renowned Clinica Esperanza primary care facility,

INMED Action Steps For You

Begin Earning Your INMED Master’s Degree this Fall

  The Master’s Degree in International Health (MIH) is unique in the field of graduate education. With emphasis on the unique needs of low-resource and cross-cultural communities, MIH graduates are prepared to lead comprehensive health promotion and disease intervention efforts. Three specialty tracks are available: International Medicine, International Nursing, and International Public Health. This 32-credit

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