Nicholas Comninellis

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Essay: Where Do I Go From Here?

Huangpu River

I am writing at this moment from Shanghai, China, where I’m overlooking the Huangpu River. This waterway is extremely busy, with dozens of barges, freighters, cruise ships, ferries, and junks maneuvering for space in the channel. Complicating matters is the fact that several tributaries feed into the river at this point, with vessels constantly entering and exiting. Several times I’ve noticed ships pause midstream, seeming uncertain about which way to turn – compounded no doubt by the numerous choices and traffic around them. The journey of our personal lives are similar to that of these ships. We must decide how to live, including choices about education, career, church, marriage, friends, and hobbies. The quality of our lives depends much upon these choices. But good decisions usually don’t just happen. They require energy and skill. What can we do to make better decisions?


We must begin by realizing that many different people may influence our choices: friends, parents, professors, the media, among others. But the best influence is Jesus Christ. He promises, “I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Our greatest need is for the security and leadership He offers. Our greatest decision is to trust Him (John 11:26). It’s not simply a one-time choice. Rather, it’s a lifestyle in which we continue to follow Jesus day after day. What does Jesus want us to do? Though He may supernaturally reveal some special guidance, God usually gives us the privilege and responsibility to choose for ourselves, using the principles and instructions found in the Bible.


Our mission is our highest objective. People choose many different missions or purposes for which to live, including position, possessions, pleasure, and projects. But Jesus declares that the primary mission of His followers is to love people with agape – that tough, enduring, committed kind of love (Matthew 22:35-40). To agape love, building relationships with Jesus, Others (including family, believers, nonbelievers, work, and our nation), and Yourself. But this is often not easy. We must continue developing our skills to love people better (Philippians 1:9-10).


Once we identify our mission, we must make individual choices concerning how we’ll fulfill it (Ephesians 5:15-16). But even in this, we’re not alone. God offers us wisdom – the ability to assess a situation and determine the best course of action. The Bible contains much teaching on how to make wise decisions. Many of these points can be summed up in the mnemonic P O P C O R N:

P – Pray for wisdom

O – List the Options

P – Weigh the Pros

C – Weigh the Cons

O – Open your Bible

R – Get Recommendations

N – No hurry!

In every stage of life, we can make excellent choices, and formulate a comprehensive plan for what we want to accomplish in each of our important relationships. And finally, we want to follow through with action and actually fulfill our plans (John 14:15). China has witnessed enormous changes in leadership and direction: feudalism under former dynasties, communism under Chairman Mao Tze Tong, moderation under Dong Shao Ping, and the free market promoters of today. Like ships on the Huangpu River, many choices lay ahead for both this nation, and for ourselves. Let’s become devoted to gaining wisdom and making superb choices about where we go from here.

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