Nicholas Comninellis

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2007 Exploring Medical Missions Conference Hosts 350



120 physicians, 146 nurses, 34 medical and nursing students and 50 others including pharmacists, dentists, therapists, and physicians assistants attended the Exploring Medical Missions Conference May 11-12 at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Representatives from 16 medical mission organizations were also on hand to recruit volunteers, including Health Care Ministries (AG), Operation Mobilization (OM), The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM), and Baptist Medical Dental Fellowship (BMDF).


Conference participants summed up the sentiments of many: “The speakers are well respected community members and well versed in their topics,” “I learned what is going on in international medicine, what works, and how to get myself involved,” “Great Conference! I don’t know of any other event that is similar to this conference.” Please mark your calendars for next year’s Exploring Medical Missions Conference May 9-10, 2008.

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