Nicholas Comninellis

My Posts

Where Children Belong – Angola Day 10

Boys With Cars


A hospital attendant uncharacteristically approached me as I stepped out of the Jeep this morning. “Doctor Nicolau, we have a case for you in emergency.” His worry was justified. The child is just six years old, and I found him unconscious, with heaving respirations, and totally limp on exam. His BP only 60/0 and oxygen saturation 50%. I didn’t need a chest X-ray to diagnosed his grave pneumonia. Of course his malaria test is positive as well. We initiated the antibiotic ceftriaxone and quinine + clindamycin for malaria. Meanwhile, just outside the door children are playing. Take a careful look at the cars they’ve created out of simply cans. Among them is were children belong – exploring, creating, imagining, and playing gleefully with one another. Soon, I pray, my emergency child will join with them.

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