Nicholas Comninellis

My Posts

February 2015

INMED Action Steps For You

EMMC Then Onward To Asia

“Three years ago I participated in the Humanitarian Health Conference” says James Fyffe, an Emergency Department nurse at North Kansas City Hospital. “There I met influential staff from Bach Christian Hospital in Asia. They invited me to come visit, and soon I was on location with them in the mountains.” Last week James, with his […]

International Public Health, Low-Resource Healthcare Pearls

Helping Babies Breathe In Zambia

  “Experiencing Zambia really changed my life!” Betsy Rogers is animated on her return after three weeks teaching Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) in southern Africa in association with Tiny People Matter. “We taught HBB in several settings. My favorite experience was teaching outside under trees with a slight breeze blowing, to village birth attendants for whom

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