Nicholas Comninellis

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Author name: Nicholas Comninellis

International Public Health, Uncategorized

Are Short-Term Healthcare Missions Effective?

In spite of great progress in technology and economic growth, some communities around the globe continue to be deeply disadvantaged. Envision locations in Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, or Tanzania. In light this situation, 5-10-day international healthcare service trips continue to be popular. Post-pandemic, some 5,000 teams are traveling outside of North America each year for

International Public Health

Extreme Heat and Human Health

Temperature on the earth’s surface has been rising steadily for at least 140 years. Summer 2024 in the northern hemisphere is especially concerning, with mercury-popping thermostat measurements and record-breaking emergency department admissions. Understanding the impact of extreme heat on human health and implementing strategies to mitigate these risks is crucial – especially for the world’s

International Public Health

Danger Of Epidemiology

With no measles nearby, the vaccine is not necessary.  The Spanish flu began in Spain. Healthy adults must drink eight glasses of water per day. You can catch a cold by being cold.  Drinking the beverage Vitamin Water will make you healthy.  What do each of these statements have in common? First, they are all

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