Nicholas Comninellis

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Author name: Nicholas Comninellis

INMED Action Steps For You

Launching Your International Healthcare Career

  Many healthcare professionals begin their careers with virtuous visions of serving forgotten people. As they advance, however, this focus often becomes diverted. In Launching Your International Healthcare Career, Nicholas Comninellis illuminates a tested path in this laudable journey. He begins with an appeal to apply principles of wise decision making – prayer, weighing pros and […]

INMED Grads In Action

INMED Grad Fighting Beriberi in India

  Shajin Thankaraj, INMED Graduate physician, studies thiamine deficiency (beriberi) disorders at Makunda Christian Leprosy and General Hospital in Assam, northeast India. Dr. Thankaraj serves with Emmanuel Hospital Association at this remote, rural health facility.  His research publication, Infantile Cardiac Beriberi in Rural North East India, appears in the journal Indian Pediatrics.   Says Dr. Thankaraj, “Two case studies,

INMED Action Steps For You

Be Refreshed! Join the June 11-12 Humanitarian Health Conference!

2020 was a devastating year for both health and healthcare. In the United States, COVID-19 rose to the third leading cause of death and particularly afflicted healthcare professionals. But relief is in range. Vaccination rates are accelerating and COVID-19 illnesses are cautiously declining. More good news: the Humanitarian Health Conference is approaching.   Join us

International Public Health

TEDx And International Refugees

  In this TEDx presentation, INMED Founder and Dean Nicholas Comninellis Describes the plight of 70 million people today, the population of the entire southern United States, living as refugees in other nations – people forced from their homes by persecution and military conflict. The origin of his personal experience is twofold. In the 1990s,

International Public Health

Community Development – Inspiring Results in Nepal

  Comprehensive community development is essential for human well-being. Growth in health, education, and economic activity contribute profoundly towards community development. But fostering such growth across cultures and amid low resources is a profound challenge. Today, INMED announces our newest partnership with an NGO demonstrating inspiring results: the Health Environmental Learning Program (H.E.L.P.) of Nepal.  

International Public Health

International Refugee Care

  Women and children. These comprise most international refugees seeking relief and asylum – more refugees than at any time since the end of WWII. Rohingya people expelled from Miramar, Syrians uprooted by ISIS, Africans in-flight from Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram, and central Americans fleeing armed gangs. Most refugees enter another developing country – locales

INMED Action Steps For You

Healthcare for Marginalized Americans

Many United States residents live on the margins of society. Often they are minorities, lower-income, non-English speakers, migrants, veterans, disabled, or elderly. Their access to healthcare is obstructed at multiple levels, including transportation, payment options, health literacy, and lack of healthcare facilities and personnel. What’s more, weaknesses within the United States’ public health apparatus –

International Public Health

Liberation: Covid-19 and World War II

  Dachau, first Nazi concentration camp built by on German soil, became the model for torture, slavery, and extermination replicated throughout the Third Reich. Early on morning of April 28, 1945, surviving prisoners were amazed to observe SS officers raising a white flag over Dachau – acknowledging the approaching liberators of the Seventh US Army.

INMED Grads In Action

Helping Babies Breathe – in Pakistan

  “I am passionate about the health of women and their babies!” declares Hibba Haider, Pakistani pediatrician and INMED HBB graduate. “I am well aware of the gravity of Pakistan having the world’s worst infant mortality rate. But I am also inspired how some African countries that have dramatically improved their infant mortality. So, I

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