Nicholas Comninellis

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Author name: Nicholas Comninellis

INMED Action Steps For You

Why Study At INMED?

  Healthcare professionals increasingly choose to earn an additional graduate degree. That extra qualification often opens the door for opportunities in leadership, research, and teaching. But a professional graduate degree is no light undertaking. Often, it requires a two- to four-year commitment, and the average master’s degree in the United States costs between  $30,000 and […]

International Public Health

The Coming COVID-19 Climax

  First, a plea for objectivity. One powerful force complicating the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be the temptation to package information to fit preconceived outcomes. Over the last five months, the result of such wishful thinking has often been lax and ineffective disease interventions, and over this same interval United States deaths from COVID-19 have

INMED Action Steps For You

Urgent Epi! And We Don’t Mean Epinephrine

  “We need epi, stat!” This dramatic phrase – so familiar in emergency medicine – today possesses new significance. Epi (epinephrine), that lifesaving drug, also means epidemiology, that lifesaving science of disease investigation.   Indeed, today we do need epi stat. Beyond COVID-19, current epi crises encompass Ebola, Zika, cholera, chikungunya MERS-CoV, malaria and influenza.

International Health News & Inspiration

Whom Shall We Trust?

  The COVID-19 Pandemic stretches most every sector of modern society. Healthcare, employment, education, transportation, and social relationships continue in upheaval. Fortunate for us, we live in the Information Age. Abundant knowledge is readily available to improve our response to these crises.   But such knowledge is so voluminous, and sometimes so complex, that few

Disaster Management

“Massive” “Colossal” “Immense” and 305,140 Lebanese

  “Massive” “Colossal” and “Immense” – words that inadequately describe the magnitude of the explosion which convulsed Beirut, Lebanon, three days ago. With the force of an early atomic bomb, 2,700 tons of highly combustible ammonium nitrate ignited in the congested port city. Some 140 people were instantly incinerated, 5,000 people packed hospitals suffering from

International Public Health

Meet Kerrie Flynn – INMED Master’s in International Health (MIH) Learner

  “In Mexico we built a COVID-19 field hospital and developed COVID management protocols for Central American migrants – all the while continuing daily health clinics and ongoing monitoring for COVID in the refugee settlements,” reports Kerrie Flynn, family nurse practitioner with the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Global Health.   Kerrie is an energetic

Disaster Management

Meet Khalid Eddahiri – INMED Master’s in International Health Learner

  “How can international aid organizations better respond to human catastrophes, like what is unfolding at this moment in Yemen?” Khalid Eddahiri, United Nations Medical Officer and INMED Master’s in International Health (MIH) candidate, is tackling this compelling question for his MIH scholarly project. And what a virtuous undertaking! Today, more than 20 million people

International Health News & Inspiration

2020 INMED Award Winners!

  The history of healthcare for the forgotten is highlighted by professionals who inspire their colleagues toward similar service. The Institute for International Medicine is honored to continue this effective tradition by announcing annual recipients of the INMED Awards. Browse their bios, read of their achievements, and be encouraged to follow their examples!   INMED

INMED Action Steps For You

INMED’s Core Professional Certificates Are Now Virtual!

  “I want to take advantage of INMED’s learning opportunities, but I live in New York City…Budapest…Thailand…Phoenix.” We hear you! INMED core Professional Certificate Courses in International Medicine, International Nursing, and International Public Health are now available via online learning and virtual classroom!   Meet our Spring 2020 graduates, screen captured above. From Fort Worth

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