Nicholas Comninellis

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Author name: Nicholas Comninellis

International Public Health

Yemen + War + COVID-19

  News surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic to date has focused on wealthy countries of China, Italy, Great Britain, in the United States. But what about the rest of the world – southern Asia, Africa, the Middle East? Certainly news organizations have a natural inclination to report about their own countries. Beyond this, the main reasons […]

International Public Health

Pandemic View: What is Public Health?

Irrelevant and uninteresting are words that describe how most healthcare professionals view the subject of public health. Long ago, PH was a sleepy, required class just when we were anxious to begin our clinical experience. How perspective has suddenly changed. Beginning one month ago, public health became front page news and will continue commanding that

INMED Action Steps For You

Quality Online Learning Alternatives

  Classrooms shuttered. Sim labs closed. Clinicals cancelled. Rotations halted. Health profession professors and student are suddenly confined to home and  scrambling for alternatives. But the Internet is awash with lamentable, second-rate learning content. Where to immediately turn for quality online learning?   INMED offers ten highly-developed Elective Online Courses in core global health subjects. Each

International Health News & Inspiration, International Public Health

Anxiety, 911 and COVID-19

  These are anxious days. Similar to those immediately following 9-11, healthcare professionals throughout the nation report a marked escalation of patients complaining of restlessness, sleep disturbance, and difficulty concentrating. That COVID-19 at the moment is rare in most United States cities gives in little reassurance. Rather, people’s profound anxiety is mainly resulting from school

International Public Health

COVID-19 and the Epidemics of Ancient Rome

  Amid the growing COVID-19 epidemic, individual responses have largely been composed of emotional anxiety and various personal defensive postures. But what responses are most outstanding? Please allow me to draw upon some ancient history by referencing Rodney Stark’s book, the Rise of Christianity:   In 165 AD a smallpox epidemic swept through the Roman

INMED Action Steps For You

Epidemic Response & Humanitarian Health

  Escalating epidemic today ~ Worldwide pandemic tomorrow? Precise forecasts are impossible, even reckless. What is certain is that in the coming months  COVID-19 will continue to require both skilled epidemic crisis management and compassionate, professional care. And what is likely is that we will also witness phobias against certain people, disruptions in economic and

Cross-Cultural Healthcare Pearls

Epidemics Multiplied by Racism

  Until just days ago, when the WHO officially sanctioned the name COVID-19, today’s epidemic was best known as the China Coronavirus. This popular nomenclature was understandable: the disease originated in China and almost exclusively infected and affected Chinese. The response was also understandable: nations closing their borders to Chinese travelers in an effort to

International Health News & Inspiration

HIV Treatments Against Coronavirus COVID-19?

  This week witnessed significant escalation in the coronavirus epidemic – newly named COVID-19 –  with worldwide numbers of infected person climbing by 50-100 percent every day. The normally methodical pace of science has justifiably been forced into the fast lane, with physicians and researchers considering novel approaches to coronavirus disease management based upon established

INMED Action Steps For You

Humble Beginnings of INMED’s Master’s Degree

Later this year, INMED will begin offering our first graduate-level degree: the Professional Master’s Degree in International Health. Designed for those already in a health profession or health profession school, this degree will provide advanced conceptual training and field experience for individuals intent on improving health among the most marginalized people.   Akin to Neil

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