Nicholas Comninellis

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Author name: Nicholas Comninellis

2019 Angola

Day In The Life: Assuredly Intriguing – Angola Day 4

Most medical professionals – and broader society as a whole – honor exquisite specialization. Should I ever require a complex surgery, I will surely an seek out an such expert. But in locations like Angola, we simply do not have the resources nor personnel to justify narrow specialization. Instead, skill to manage a broad range […]

2019 Angola

What’s Your Diagnosis? – Angola Day 2

This seven-year old arrived at CEML Hospital draining pus from the outside length of his thigh. This drainage, accompanied by painful walking, began about two months ago and persisted in spite of oral antibiotic therapies prescribed at various health posts. He has no history of trauma, and his growth and development were normal prior this

International Public Health

Today’s HIV Focus And Concern

In 2017 (the latest data available)…   36.9 million people globally were living with HIV 1.8 million were children (<15 years) 75 percent of HIV-positive people knew their HIV status 21.7 million people were accessing ART 1.8 million people became newly infected with HIV in 2017 940,000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses TB remains the

International Public Health

HIV And Good News!

This is not a frequently heard phrase. But it’s true. Control of HIV has progressed remarkably since the year 2000. Some highlights include:   1996: Combination AntiRetroviral Treatment (ART) is found effective in HIV treatment 1997: AIDS deaths begin to decline in nations that offer ART 2002: The Global Fund is founded to combat HIV,

Low-Resource Healthcare Pearls

Anti-Poverty Vaccine? Is That Possible?

Introducing Peter Hotez, my friend and today’s best known proponent of anti-poverty vaccines. Peter is an accomplished scientist and pediatric infectious disease specialist at Texas Children’s Hospital. A tactful, vocal proponent for policy and civic action on multiple health fronts, one of his most intriguing campaigns is to combat poverty through vaccination.   The associations

International Public Health

Life’s Most Dangerous Day

What has been the most dangerous day in your life? The first time you drove a car solo? Or maybe a particular football or hockey game? Population research demonstrates that younger age is highly correlated with risk of death. Most child deaths are infant deaths. Most infant deaths are neonatal deaths. Most neonatal deaths occur

Health Professions Education

East vs. West: Chinese Learn, Serve and More

INMED today is teaching 40 of the brightest, most motivated learners we’ve ever engaged – and they all live in China. Representing every Chinese province, these healthcare personnel were recommended to us as exceptional. Yesterday I assessed their first Professional Certificate Course in International Medicine & Public Health assignments, projects and exams. Everything their superiors

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