Nicholas Comninellis

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Author name: Nicholas Comninellis

2014 Angola

Where There Is No Dentist – Angola Day 5

  What is your diagnosis? Even without formal dental training you will likely identify severe gingivitis, broken and missing teeth, and dental destruction with exposed root structures. This Angolan lady came for assist today complaining of pain throughout her mouth. No only is dental disease disfiguring and uncomfortable, it can also be life threatening. Most […]

2014 Angola

Complicated Knee Fracture – Angola Day 3

  Orthopedic trauma is a leading cause of admissions here to our Lubango Evangelical Medical Center. The post-war economic progress throughout this nation is expressed by a growing number of motorcycles on unusually rough roads. Eduardo, the man of 40 who’s X-ray appears above, was driving his moto on the dirt when he lost control

2014 Angola

Cardiac Surgery On $3 Per Day – Angola Day 1

  Today I mark the start of my eleventh summer in Angola. In 2004, I received a kind invitation from Steve Foster and the fledgling Lubango Evangelical Medical Center (CEML) to join them in developing this unique primary care and surgical training center. Right from the start I received a stark reminder of the interdependent

International Health News & Inspiration

Why Is International Healthcare Uniquely Challenging?

Why is international healthcare so uniquely challenging? The truth is that any healthcare that involves crossing cultures and few resources – regardless of location – may be uniquely challenging. What other challenges are involved? Please choose from any of the following:   1. Diseases are largely preventable 2. Professional peers are often unsupportive 3. Diseases

INMED Action Steps For You

What Can You Do In Ten?

  On behalf of the world’s most disadvantage people, what can you do in ten minutes? What about ten days? What can you do to effectively promote community-wide health in ten months, or even over a period of ten years? I find that a perception exists that adults are most likely to consider shorter time

International Health News & Inspiration

Abigail Rattin, 2014 INMED International Medicine Award Recipient

  At the 2014 Exploring Medical Missions Conference next week it’s my honor to present the 2014 International Medicine Award. Abigail Rattin, MD, MPH, is Medical Coordinator of Action International Ministries. A family physician with public health training at University of Massachusetts Amherst, since 2010 Dr. Rattin as been living and serving in the nation of Uganda, eastern

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