Nicholas Comninellis

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Author name: Nicholas Comninellis

Low-Resource Healthcare Pearls

Prevent This Child’s Blindness

  This child is going blind as a result of scaring to his cornea. Some 250,000 to 500,000 children in low-resource communities throughout Africa and the Indian subcontinent go blind each year from dietary deficiency of vitamin A. Severe deficiency causes irreversible corneal damage, leading to partial or total visual impairment. Startlingly, about half of […]

International Health News & Inspiration

A Decision That Inspires Action

  Why would a young, successful healthcare professional intentionally serve in an inner city core? What would make him or her deliberately seek opportunities to care for the poor? The answers may inspire you!   Consider Jeremy Kirchoff. As a family medicine resident he enrolled in the INMED International Medicine Certificate, studying at the Baptist Medical

International Health News & Inspiration

Attitude Of Gratitude

  Over the last four days Nicholas Comninellis been representing INMED at the Global Missions Health Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Distinct from the INMED Exploring Medical Missions Conference, this event emphasizes more the spiritual dimension of caring for the poor. The encouragement we received through this event was just overwhelming. Former INMED students came by

International Health News & Inspiration

Water Heroes

  This week I represented INMED at the Kansas City Mayor’s United Nations Association Banquet, where we honored Gary White of Gary is passionate about changing the distressing image above that illustrates how pervasive remains the shortage of safe drinking water in the world’s poorest communities. In Angola just 4 months ago I cared

International Health News & Inspiration

Haiti Captured By Cholera

  This week reports out of Haiti describe the spreading of cholera epidemic. A prototypical disease of poverty, cholera is the end result of extreme lapses in sanitation and water protection. Cholera is an infection virtually unknown under any other circumstances. Nine months have passed since Haiti’s earthquake. On one hand it’s reassuring that cholera

Low-Resource Healthcare Pearls

Health And Literacy – Grow Simultaneously

Health leaders are typically not trained in the arenas of education, literacy and economic development. But the magnitude with which these social elements influence the health of populations cannot by ignored. Today’s leaders in health must not only appropriately inform themselves but also fully embrace their opportunities to support communities in these fields. The outcome

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