Nicholas Comninellis

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Author name: Nicholas Comninellis

Low-Resource Healthcare Pearls

Could You Diagnose Bird Flu?

Avian influenza, or bird flu, was first recognized as a potential world health threat in 1997 through an outbreak in Hong Kong. This illness is caused by several subtypes of influenza A virus. Normally affecting chickens, turkeys and ducks, the virus can be transmitted to humans who inhale aerosolized bird feces or respiratory secretions. Bird […]

INMED Training Sites In Action

A Gift Of Hope To Zambia

  Africa is being ravishing by disease; a fact compounded by the frequent lack of even most basic health care. Countries like Zambia, southern Africa, are witnessing dramatic increases in HIV/AIDS, malaria, and malnutrition. According to the UNICEF, for example, one child dies of malaria each 29 seconds, from TB each 18 seconds, and one

INMED Grads In Action

INMED Students In Honduras

  Erica Heitmann fulfilled a life-long dream by serving at the Hospital Evangelico in Honduras qualifying for the INMED International Medicine & Public Health Diploma. Erica is a senior medical student at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, and President of their student chapter of the CMDA. “I had seen photos and heard

INMED Grads In Action

Dreams Fulfilled In Cameroon

Paul Cartwright has long dreamed of serving in Africa. Now, as a medical student at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, Paul’s dream is becoming reality. He is scheduled to study at Banso Baptist Hospital in Cameroon, West Africa, in January and February, 2006.   “At the beginning of med school I had

INMED Action Steps For You, INMED Grads In Action

2005 INMED Graduation

Six medical students from the Universities of Missouri and Kansas Schools of Medicine completed the INMED International Medicine & Public Health Diploma during the 2004-05 academic year. Erika Kloepfel served for a month at Hospital Evangelico in Honduras. Jennifer Rathburn, Chrissy VanDillen, Diana Atashroo and Lisa Roark studied at Nilerigu Baptist Medical Center in Ghana.   To

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