Nicholas Comninellis

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International Health News & Inspiration

INMED Action Steps For You, International Health News & Inspiration

INMED’s Largest Class Of IMPH Students

  November 22, 2015, thirty-three healthcare professionals were awarded the hard-earned INMED Academic Qualification in International Medicine & Public Health. The majority of participants were medical students at the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri, accompanied by physicians and nurses from as far away as British Columbia, Canada. They studied online for nine […]

International Health News & Inspiration

Not To Act Is Indeed To Act

Why do we still quote this long-departed German? In short, because seventy years ago Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s response to great evil continues be an inspiration to those of us today similarly responding to great evil.   Bonhoeffer was a decorated scholar who in 1931 became a lecturer in theology at the University of Berlin. While academically

International Health News & Inspiration

Relieving Hunger 5,000 At Once

  In Angola we at Kalukembe Hospital were not equipped to provide hunger relief. Rather, we were consumed with managing measles, treating tuberculosis, and caring for people loosing limbs from land mines. But when the rain didn’t come crops withered and hungry people nevertheless gathered outside our doors. So my Swiss neighbors and I made

INMED Action Steps For You, INMED Training Sites In Action, International Health News & Inspiration

Where The Doctor Comes To You?

  Healthcare ideally accommodates to the needs of the people being served. In actual practice the opposite is often true. This ideal nevertheless remains a guiding precept of the Liaoning International General Health Trainers (LIGHT) of NE China. I’m enjoying the privilege of my fifth winter among them. This photo captures a LIGHT physician offering

INMED Action Steps For You, International Health News & Inspiration, International Public Health

Nobel Prize For Combating Parasitic Diseases

  In recent years the annual Nobel Prize in Medicine has focused on awards for high-tech applications; like development of CT imaging and mapping of the human genome. This year’s Nobel Prize shines light in a distinctly different arena: advances against some leading diseases of extreme poverty.   In 1985 I first traveled to Niger

INMED Action Steps For You, International Health News & Inspiration

INMED Welcomes New Faculty: Paul Larson

  Students in the 2015 Pittsburgh PA INMED International Medicine & Public Health Course – which begins on Monday – will enjoy the privilege of being mentored by INMED’s newest faculty: Paul Larson. Qualifications for this position are rigorous, and Dr. Larson’s credits are equally laudable. Following family medicine residency and a diploma earned from

2015 Angola, INMED Training Sites In Action, International Health News & Inspiration

Danny Estévão Bring Vision To Life – Angola 2015

  Lubango Evangelical Medical Center was for decades only a dream in the hearts of Pastor José Abias, Dr. Stephen Foster, and leaders of the Angolan Association of Evangelicals. The vision was substantial: within Africa’s poorest nation to create a center of healthcare and compassion. In 2006, with significant backing from Franklin Graham and Samaritan’s

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