Nicholas Comninellis

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INMED Action Steps For You

INMED Action Steps For You

My Children Cry “We Will Die”

  “Theirs is unbearable pain: mothers and fathers recounting their helplessness to alleviate the hunger of their children – hunger often compounded by the rigors of malaria, breathlessness of pneumonia, and lethargy of prolonged malnutrition. I scramble to offer assistance, but there is no end to their need. The difficulty is knowing how to help

INMED Action Steps For You

INMED Crisis Response Training

  The Joplin Tornado of May, 2011 on caught many of us well-intentioned but unprepared to respond effectively. I, for one, felt a deep sense of pain over the catastrophe unfolding just 100 miles a way. But I also realized frustration that at such late notice there was little I could do to assist.  

INMED Action Steps For You

Introducing ACIHE

  Today’s citizenry and healthcare profession students are more keenly aware of the needs of marginalized people. I’ve noticed how educational institutions are rapidly developing curriculum and field experiences to match community and student expectations. As a result of such demand, however, health educators are grappling with how to best provide effective, relevant international healthcare

INMED Action Steps For You

Learn Nothing About Global Health

  “My boy, Tomas, is urinating pure blood!” Her speech was pressured and rapid fire. “He’s been hemorrhaging for days. Is my boy going to die? ” The anxious mother lifted her son, moving the pool of accumulating blood from the floor to her lap. The young, listless, glassy eyes of Tomas met mine, and

INMED Action Steps For You

What’s Your Global Health Curriculum?

  What curriculum do you use to complement global health classes, international electives, study abroad, or even cross-cultural competency? Unfortunately, most universities and residency programs have little to offer beyond thick textbooks. For the last year,  Micah Flint and I have been creating for INMED a new series of online, self-paced courses covering the major

INMED Action Steps For You, International Health News & Inspiration

Making Short-Term Medical Missions More Effective

  Each year some 5,000 healthcare teams depart the US to service in a developing country – usually for 7-10 days duration. A growing number of authorities are questioning the efficacy of this enormous outlay of time and resources, posing the questions like, “Do short-term medical missions actually contribute to improving the overall health of

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