Nicholas Comninellis

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INMED Action Steps For You

INMED Action Steps For You

From Rescue To Resilience

  Disasters and ongoing deprivation mark the first years of this new century. Just consider Haiti’s earthquake, Pakistan’s flood, Somalia’s war, and North Korea’s hunger. The heartening response from many is to donate our personal time, talent, and treasures to provide rescue and assistance to those in distress in the world’s most impoverished communities. Just

INMED Action Steps For You

2010 INMED International Public Health Intensive Course

  The week of June 14-18 INMED hosted 69 participants for the 2010 International Public Health Intensive Course. These included nurses, public health specialists, pharmacists, physicians, and graduate students from the entire range of health fields. Remarkably, most participants had significant international experience caring for those most poor. Topics included Health Leadership, Building Organizational Capacity, Water &

INMED Action Steps For You

2010 INMED International Medicine Intensive Course

  On June 7 INMED welcomed 43 participant to the University of Missouri-Kansas City for the 2010 International Medicine Intensive Course. Many of these highly motivated individuals have significant experience in serving forgotten people in multiple nations, and came to further sharpen their skills. Participants included 13 physicians, 2 resident physicians, 7 medical students, 7 physician

INMED Action Steps For You

2010 Exploring Medical Missions Conference!

  This weekend INMED enjoyed the company of some 450 students and practicing healthcare professionals at the 5th Exploring Medical Missions Conference. Complementing these participants were representatives of 35 sending organization – recruiting volunteers for service opportunities among the most neglected citizens of our world. I’m particularly touched by presence of some very many “heroes

INMED Action Steps For You

Action In The Name Of Love

  Have you considered helping out in Chile or Haiti? Clearly, these acute crises in health will be palpable for months to come as the nations rebuild. There exist an abundance of opportunities for you who dream of serving people in critical need, who have polished your skills, and who are now ready for action

INMED Action Steps For You

Renew Your Skills

  The day following Haiti’s earthquake I received this message from Dr. Jim and Sandy Wilkins, who have served at Haiti’s Christianville Medical Clinic since 1999: “Our house fell down while we were in it. Our clinic building is half down. We worked for 24 hours straight, suturing and bracing fractures. 5 died here, 2

INMED Action Steps For You

Broaden Your Skills

  I am pondering that fact that healthcare professionals who want to serve the very poor often need to renew or broaden their expertise – those skills in public health, leadership or divergent specialties they once learned, but have not used in the years since their careers became more focused. This requires a commitment to

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