Nicholas Comninellis

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INMED Action Steps For You

INMED Action Steps For You

What Specialty Should I Choose?

  I received several questions this week from international-minded medical students regarding what specialty to select. Wonderful are your intentions over how to best prepare yourselves for a life of serving! My short answer is, choose the specialty that most interests you. There exists the misconception that only primary care specialties are appropriate for medical […]

INMED Action Steps For You

Drawn To Pakistan!

  I am impressed this week with the surge of inquiries about volunteering, even studying, at Bach Christian Hospital in the mountains of Pakistan. In contrast to the continuous requests for placement in Africa (I call this the ‘Bono/U2 Effect”) it is a confirmation that people indeed realize that enormous needs exist in other continents as well. Bach

INMED Action Steps For You

Undergraduates And INMED

  Today I’m talking with two undergraduate students in non-healthcare fields about their interest in medical missions and in volunteering their skills. How wonderful to witness the altruism of these people! Their virtuous desires at age 20 may well result in compassion towards thousands of individuals in the future! As for the near term, I’m

INMED Action Steps For You

Forgotten People

  Typhoid fever. At this moment I’m caring for a youth with this disease in the highlands of Angola, Africa. The typhoid ruptured six holes in his intestine, and has nearly taken his life. He is of the Ovimbundu people, for whom life has not changed in hundreds of years. The women and children tend

INMED Action Steps For You

Feeling Inspired? Now Take The Next Step

  Many healthcare professionals are enamored over the possibility of serving the poorest of the poor. But what steps follow this vision? First: equip yourself with the essential professional, cross-cultural and personal skills. Your transition from functioning in a community of affluence to one of poverty demands unique, new abilities. Second: join forces with other

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