Nicholas Comninellis

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INMED Action Steps For You

INMED Action Steps For You

INMED’s Core Professional Certificates Are Now Virtual!

  “I want to take advantage of INMED’s learning opportunities, but I live in New York City…Budapest…Thailand…Phoenix.” We hear you! INMED core Professional Certificate Courses in International Medicine, International Nursing, and International Public Health are now available via online learning and virtual classroom!   Meet our Spring 2020 graduates, screen captured above. From Fort Worth […]

INMED Action Steps For You

Become A Disease Investigator?

  Today’s ongoing COVID-19 crisis shines a bright light on little-recognized field of science: epidemiology. These are professionally trained disease investigators known as epidemiologists. Normally, epidemiologists are silently working in government health agencies and research institutions, tracking the status of health, the development of health issues, and design of interventions to protect and improve health.

INMED Action Steps For You

Covid-19’s Unknown Mysteries And You

Months into the COVID-19 pandemic, many critical scientific questions remain. In spite of diligent and intelligent attention, we still do not know for sure:   Whether antibodies following infection are protective against recurrent infection Why elderly people are so much more vulnerable than are children What symptoms and signs are the best predictors of actual

INMED Action Steps For You

Quality Online Learning Alternatives

  Classrooms shuttered. Sim labs closed. Clinicals cancelled. Rotations halted. Health profession professors and student are suddenly confined to home and  scrambling for alternatives. But the Internet is awash with lamentable, second-rate learning content. Where to immediately turn for quality online learning?   INMED offers ten highly-developed Elective Online Courses in core global health subjects. Each

INMED Action Steps For You

Epidemic Response & Humanitarian Health

  Escalating epidemic today ~ Worldwide pandemic tomorrow? Precise forecasts are impossible, even reckless. What is certain is that in the coming months  COVID-19 will continue to require both skilled epidemic crisis management and compassionate, professional care. And what is likely is that we will also witness phobias against certain people, disruptions in economic and

INMED Action Steps For You

Humble Beginnings of INMED’s Master’s Degree

Later this year, INMED will begin offering our first graduate-level degree: the Professional Master’s Degree in International Health. Designed for those already in a health profession or health profession school, this degree will provide advanced conceptual training and field experience for individuals intent on improving health among the most marginalized people.   Akin to Neil

INMED Action Steps For You

From What Global Health Careers Can I Choose?

  The most important qualifications for global health service are a willing spirit and selfless attitude. Very few persons become wealthy or famous in this challenging field. But for those motivated out of genuine humane concern, the rewards are potentially bountiful. Global health colleagues are often some of the most exemplary and inspiring of individuals.

INMED Action Steps For You

INMED And University of Kansas Medical Center?

  Kansas University Medical Center (KUMC), known worldwide as a hub for research and innovation, is also renowned for its Office of International Programs. Under the leadership of Kimberly Connelly, the office offers inbound opportunities for international researchers and clinicians, international educational experiences, and again this fall, the INMED Professional Certificate Courses in Medicine, Nursing

INMED Action Steps For You

Could You Be Helping Babies Breathe?

Some one million newborn babies die each year from birth asphyxia – that is, the inability to breathe. I’ve personally see this tragic scene in Angola, Ghana, Burkina Faso: A baby is limp upon delivery, assumed dead, and just laid aside. But simple stimulation, drying, and ventilation almost always immediately restores life to limp newborns.

INMED Action Steps For You

Lead Us Not Into Careerism

Imagine, highly skilled professionals who bless hundreds of people each year with refined expertise. Then, upon reaching a particular age or financial status, they simply withdrawal from service all this proficiency. I call this careerism. What a tragic loss for those served, and often for the professionals, themselves. Some persons, of course, must retire for

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