Nicholas Comninellis

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INMED Action Steps For You

INMED Action Steps For You

EMMC Then Onward To Asia

“Three years ago I participated in the Humanitarian Health Conference” says James Fyffe, an Emergency Department nurse at North Kansas City Hospital. “There I met influential staff from Bach Christian Hospital in Asia. They invited me to come visit, and soon I was on location with them in the mountains.” Last week James, with his […]

INMED Action Steps For You, International Health News & Inspiration

What Is INMED All About?

  INMED, in short, is all about equipping healthcare personnel with the skills essential to caring for the world’s most marginalized people. This graphic illustration, created by INMED Chief Programs Officer Elizabeth Burgos, condenses a thousand words into the essential ones. GREAT NEED: In spite of today’s communication and transportation marvels, women commonly perish during

INMED Action Steps For You, International Health News & Inspiration

Are You Thankful? Are You Giving?

Thanks and giving. The union is a powerful combination. Do you have thanks for the advantages you receive? Perhaps education, good health, encouraging friendships, a little financial margin. Recently have you told those in your circle of your gratefulness? Expressing appreciation is excellent for the health of any relationship. And whether earned or undeserved, it

INMED Action Steps For You

What Shall Your Conquests Be?

  “I am Shutruk Nahunte, King of Anshand and Sussa, Sovereign of the land of Elam. I destroyed Sippar, took the sword of Niran-Sin, and brought it back to Elam, where I erected it as an offering to my god.” ~ Shutruk Nahunte, 1158 BC. Regarding this inscription above his classroom door Professor William Hundert

INMED Action Steps For You

What Healthcare Field Should You Enter?

  This decision is often bewildering. As a young person proceeding through healthcare education you face increasingly complex choices that touch on academic ability, financial debt and earning potential, social pressures, prestige and reputation, non-career interests and responsibilities, and personal passions. You likely have considerable freedom of choice, and with that freedom can come marked

INMED Action Steps For You

Which EMMC Cluster Is Best For You?

  On behalf of the world’s most disadvantage people, what can you do in ten minutes? What about ten days? What can you do to effectively promote global health in ten months, or even over a period of ten years? The 10th annual, 2015 INMED Exploring Medical Missions Conference (EMMC) theme question is What Can

INMED Action Steps For You

What Can You Do In Ten?

  On behalf of the world’s most disadvantage people, what can you do in ten minutes? What about ten days? What can you do to effectively promote community-wide health in ten months, or even over a period of ten years? I find that a perception exists that adults are most likely to consider shorter time

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