Nicholas Comninellis

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INMED Action Steps For You

INMED Action Steps For You

You Can Bring Hope Amid The Rubble

  May 12, 2008. Sichuan Province, China was hit by a 7.9 magnitude earthquake. Human casualties are estimated to be over 71,000 fatalities with over 25,000 injured. Reports suggest that over 5 million people were left homeless and displaced (USAID, 2008).   Dr. Jeff DeGraffenreid, featured speaker at the 2008 Disaster Management Symposium, was one

INMED Action Steps For You

Why Do Medical Missions?

  Vast wealth and medical knowledge benefit the world’s affluent, while some three billion persons still lack even the most basic health care. In response, interest in selfless service among health professionals has never been higher.   Jean Fields, RN, MSN, is one who makes international service an intimate part of her career. Says Jean,

INMED Action Steps For You

2008 Exploring Medical Missions Conference

  The 2008 Exploring Medical Missions Conference is hosted this year by the Institute for International Medicine, Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Foundation, Research Medical Center, St Luke’s Health System, the University of Kansas School of Medicine Department of Infectious Diseases, and the University of Missouri School of Medicine International Medicine Program. The Conference will be held on

INMED Action Steps For You, International Health News & Inspiration

Why Do Medical Missions?

  Most health professionals dream of international service, but what motivates this ubiquitous attraction? For some, it is the reality of human suffering and a resulting sense of personal duty. Certainly the stark conditions of poverty, preventable disease, absent medical care, and needless death that affect developing nations are disturbing. Providing help is a moral

INMED Action Steps For You

2007 Exploring Medical Missions Conference Hosts 350

  120 physicians, 146 nurses, 34 medical and nursing students and 50 others including pharmacists, dentists, therapists, and physicians assistants attended the Exploring Medical Missions Conference May 11-12 at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Representatives from 16 medical mission organizations were also on hand to recruit volunteers, including Health Care Ministries (AG), Operation Mobilization (OM),

INMED Action Steps For You

First Exploring Medical Missions Conference

  The INMED Exploring Medical Missions Conference was held May 12-13, 2006 at Research Medical Center, Brookside Campus, formerly Baptist Medical Center. The very first of its kind in Kansas City, this conference provided health professionals with the unique knowledge needed to successfully serve in medical missions.   The conference was hosted by INMED, the University of

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