Nicholas Comninellis

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Author name: Nicholas Comninellis

INMED Grads In Action

Who Is The 2023 INMED International Healthcare Preceptor?

The INMED International Healthcare Preceptor award recognizes individuals who have made an important impact on vision-casting and training of the next generation of international healthcare volunteers. Through their instruction and their role modeling, award recipients express the value of every person – especially those who are the most humble members of our communities. The 2023

INMED Action Steps For You

Student Indebtedness Is Epidemic. What Is INMED’s Solution?

“I really want to serve vulnerable people, but I am sooo in debt from student loans!” It’s the most frequent barrier I hear from well-intended healthcare professionals. Today’s graduating medical student typically owes $200,000. Bachelor’s of nursing graduates owe $40-$60,000. Nurse practitioners graduate with an average of $154,000 in debt. Pharmacy grads $170, 000, physical

International Public Health

Post-Covid Global Health

“My child, he’s coughing, has fever, and stop eating!” This young mother in Angola, Africa held in her arms a four-year-old. His fast breathing, dry mouth, and somnolent countenance alarmed me. The year was 2020. Was her boy suffering from pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis? Could it be Covid-19? At the beginning of the pandemic, many pressing

International Health News & Inspiration

Who Are The 2023 INMED Award Winners?

Healthcare for forgotten people is punctuated by professionals who inspire their younger associates to consider similar careers. INMED is honored to recognize such quality professionals by announcing these recipients of the INMED Awards at the 2023 Humanitarian Health Conference, June 9-10 in Kansas City, Missouri. Introducing David Vanderpool, 2023 International Medicine Award recipient. In 2010,

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